The winners will be announced at Executive Dinner on September 14th.
Award category: “Sharing is caring”
A fundamental pillar in a successful ecosystem surrounding life sciences is the ability to share. Share knowledge, share technologies and data, share human resources or even functionalities. It takes boldness and an open mindset to be in the first line of sharing and the prize will be awarded to someone/an organization going above and beyond to push for this.
Jury member Lars Bäckman, Chief Legal Officer, Biotage
“Sharing is caring” is a price category that really appeals to me. I am a firm believer in collaborations and I believe we have seen a lot of good results from powerful collaborations, not the least when it comes to our global joint mission to fight COVID-19. There are many skilled researchers in the academic environment and by handing out this reward we want to emphasize the importance of the work that is done in the academic world. Biotage wants to broaden its academic collaborations. The academic and industrial partners´ ecosystem enhances and improves the possibilities to bring products faster to the market, which of course is a win-win situation to both commercial and scientific interests.”
Award category: “Top Talent Creator“
All progress and breakthroughs within life sciences steam from the competence and skills of the people making up this sector. Many companies struggle with access to human resources with the right experiences and expertise. Without individuals/organisations continuously making efforts to support the generation of talent, the wheels of the industry would stop. This award is given to those creating talent for the future!
Jury member Peter Coleman: Integration Lead and former CEO Cobra Biologics
“Cobra understands that for the life science industry to flourish both now and in the future, we need to recruit, develop and nuture the very best TOP talent available! In a very dynamic and fast moving environment this can sometimes be overlooked and therefore it is important to recognise organisations who are able to deliver results in this area both for the development of themselves, but also for the benefit of Swedish life science.”
Award category: Life Science Industry Laureate
Ground breaking research which paves the way for new therapies, technologies or methods are crucial to our society’s capability to understand and address medical challenges. This has become utterly clear to everyone of us in the past year. While research being conducted within academia are awarded prestigious prizes crowned by the Nobel prize, there are too few manifestations of public recognition for the RnD carried out within industry. This prize awards break throughs within industrial life science RnD.
Jury member Jan Upman, SVP, Corporate Banking, Healthcare, DNB Bank in Sweden
“We are very pleased to be involved in this event since life science has been a prioritized sector for DNB for more than 14 years. We are doing our best to support the industry with capital, finding investors and showcasing them also Infront of the US market. We are really looking forward to September 14ht when we will present the winner within the category Life Science Industry Laureate.”
Award category: Thought Leader
The individuals or organisation pinpointing global and local trends, changes or needs within the life science sector and stimulating us in our joint understanding and reflection around where we are heading. This prize is awarded to someone driving the discourse of our sector forward, allowing for an open climate of debate and opinions, with factfulness and clear voicing.
Jury member Janet Hoogstraate, Chair Management Board, Valneva Sweden
“Using our experience and knowledge together with our curiosity, we should all stimulate each other towards critical and strategic thinking seeing the whole picture, visualizing potential blind spots. Some people do this in a particular effective and motivating way and with that help individuals and our life science area forward. I feel that this behaviour should be encouraged and rewarded.”
Why is it important to highlight this area?
“With misinformation reaching out to us we need people to be thought leaders presenting with facts and insights, creating an open climate, allowing debate instead of judging or spreading fear. A thought leader points out and explains trends and stimulates us to taking the next steps in our thinking.”
How does your company work in regard to the category you’ve chosen?
“As a vaccine company, Valneva works together with key opinion leaders reaching out to health care professionals to stimulate an open climate on the use of current and future vaccines.”