History of SwedenBIO
SwedenBIO is founded
SwedenBIO was founded in 2002 by the CEOs of seven leading Swedish life science companies: Amersham Biosciences (now GE Healthcare), Active Biotech, Biovitrum (now SOBI), KaroBIO, Medivir, Melacure Therapeutics and Pharmacia Diagnostics (now Thermofisher).
SwedenBIO offers advice for SMEs on EU applications
A service that is now run together with several organizations around the country, with funding from Tillväxtverket and Vinnova. SwedenBIO provides life science-specific expertise and advice on EU applications.
First pipeline report released
SwedenBIO Award awarded for the first time
First Nordic Life Science Days take place
25 measures to strengthen life sciences in Sweden
The three industry organizations LIF, Swedish Medtech and SwedenBIO present a joint action plan for life science. The action plan consists of 25 measures to strengthen Sweden’s competitiveness. The action plan will be revised in 2018.
Read more about how we work to give the life sciences industry a strong voice.
The government forms a collaboration group for life science and SwedenBIO is invited together with ten industry representatives for a close dialog with three ministries.
Link to 3.3. representation
A guide for disclosure of information on listing is being developed.
An advisory material to help companies find the right minimum level of information to provide about their projects when seeking new capital.
Read our updated industry standard on fundraising in life sciences here.
We will be 250 members
SwedenBIO goes international – Nordic consortium formed
Link to the international page
Intensive policy work in the life science office’s thematic groups. Ahead of the release of the life science strategy, etc.
SKR and the life science industry have signed two agreements to develop work on clinical trials and quality registers.
Three comprehensive industry analyses are being produced
What is the financial landscape? What is precision medicine and which companies are developing new drugs and vaccines? Link to reports.