How many Swedes create innovations?

A development manager at Ford told us that he thought the most innovative aspects of vehicle development were happening among car users. Therefore, more open innovation processes were put in place, with car users having access to car data, for example, to facilitate the creation of new services. An international research team has started measuring how many individuals create new services and products in different sectors of the economy.

As part of this international research network, Professor Lars Bengtsson, Lund University of Technology, has studied the frequency of user innovation and its impact on the Swedish economy. Lars will give examples of some of these innovations and explain the challenges for society to make the most of these innovation activities.

Vinnova has invited Dr. Carl Wadell, Growth Analysis, author of the report “Rare diseases – an opportunity for Swedish life science”. It mentions patients for the first time as part of the innovation system. With Carl’s help, we want to discuss how these user innovations in life sciences can play a role in innovation policy.