Invitation to Seminar on Effective Care

The Network for Health and Medical Care (NHS), in collaboration with Sahlgrenska Academy and Chalmers University of Technology, is organizing a seminar on effective care on December 1, 2016, aimed at managers, doctors, nurses and other health care professionals as well as decision makers in western Sweden and within Sahlgrenska Academy, Chalmers University of Technology and relevant industry.

For many years, Swedish healthcare has performed well in international comparisons, particularly in terms of the quality of medical care. Recent OECD studies give the Swedish healthcare system high marks for e.g. survival in cancer, but also in terms of surgical complications.

However, there are quality deficiencies in other respects, such as long waiting times for care, continuity of care, patient treatment and long hours in the waiting room. In addition, there are many hospitals that perform too few complex surgeries; e.g.. in 2014, 10 hospitals in Sweden performed less than three kidney cancer operations and 25 hospitals performed less than 10.