For the second year in a row, the conference will be organized by the Committee for National Coordination of Clinical Studies (KNSK) at the Swedish Research Council in collaboration with Forum Sydost, Forum Norr, FoU-centrum Skåne, Karolinska Trial Alliance, Gothia Forum and the Uppsala-Örebro region (regional host). UCR (Uppsala Clinical Research Center) is the local organizer of the conference.
The theme of the conference is:
Pragmatic patient-centered research – bigger, faster and smarter studies.
The program will be filled with speakers and seminars presenting how Sweden can regain its position as a world leader in clinical research. Sweden’s well-organized healthcare system with national quality registers enables studies to be conducted with the highest possible quality at a marginal cost compared to a conventional clinical research study. In combination with technological solutions such as e- and m-health, Sweden is uniquely positioned to conduct studies, evaluate treatment methods and the effectiveness of new drugs in clinical reality in close collaboration with patients.
Registration opens on March 1, 2016.
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