Pharmaceutical manufacturing for a competitive and healthier Sweden

The pharmaceutical industry not only contributes to human health but is also growing in importance for Sweden as an export country. According to Statistics Sweden, pharmaceuticals were exported in the first half of 2022 to a value of SEK 70 billion and pharmaceuticals account for 7.1% of Sweden's total exports. As a country, we repeatedly stand out as a country of innovation in international rankings. The pharmaceutical industry thus has great potential to contribute to Swedish economic prosperity in a declining economy.

SwedenBIO, in collaboration with AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Novavax, Recipharm, APL, Valneva, NorthX Biologics, Phase2Phase Biopharma and Mpya Sci & Tech , is organizing a half-day conference on the theme“Pharmaceutical manufacturing for a competitive and healthier Sweden” on Wednesday, February 1, 2017. 8/2, at 13:00-17:00 at LifeCity in Solna.

The purpose of this seminar is to discuss the conditions for pharmaceutical manufacturing in Sweden. Is it important, in an industry where most of it is research and development? How competitive is Sweden in relation to the rest of the world? What are the opportunities, challenges and solutions for attracting major investments?

We aim to bring together decision-makers from the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, authorities and universities, as well as politicians and officials at local and national level. Places are limited, so please register immediately to secure a place.

Date: 8/2
Time: 13:00 – 17:00 followed by a mingle.
Location: LifeCity, Solnavägen 3, Stockholm.

A warm welcome!
Lotta Ljungqvist, Chairman of the Board, SwedenBIO
Åsa Manelius, General Manager Sweden Biologics, AstraZeneca,
Johan Carlsson, Site Lead & General Manager Pfizer Health AB
Magnus Sävenhed, Managing Director, Novavax AB
Janet Hoogstraate, Managing Director, Valneva Sverige AB
Helena Strigård, CEO, NorthX Biologics
Helene Fehrm, Site Manager, Recipharm Pharmaceutical Development AB
Eric Haeffler, CEO, Apotek Produktion och Laboratorier AB
Andreas Gretander, Co-Founder, Phase2Phase Biopharma
Johan Östman, CEO, Mpya Sci & Tech