Partnering opportunity between UK and Sweden

In January this year a first partnering event hosted by The Swedish Research Council, Vinnova, Enterprise Europe Network and Innovate UK took place focusing on fostering and facilitating R&D projects between UK and Swedish organisations in regenerative medicine.

We are now pleased to inform you that there will be a follow up meeting in the UK hosted by the Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult in London. The aim is to allow delegates that attended the previous meeting to continue their discussions but also to invite additional attendees to join.

The event, open to SMEs, technology centres, universities and research organisations, will provide a platform for new translational research, commercial and technological collaborations between UK and Swedish businesses and research organisations. You will also have the opportunity to receive information around the public and private funding landscape in the UK and to meet investment companies. The UK representatives present will be able to discuss your questions around Brexit and guide you to information containing more detailed answers and solutions.

How to Participate:

60 places are available. Please express your interest by e-mail to Malin Eklund ( or Nadine Schweizer (

More information