This highly multi-disciplinary Centre gathers eight academic groups from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Lund University, Karolinska Hospital, Karolinska Institutet and Linköping University, as well as 16 industrial partners.
The industry partners are Alfa Laval, ArgusEye, AstraZeneca, BioInvent International, BioLamina, Cellcolabs, Cellevate, Cytiva, Erbi Biosystems, a company of Merck KGaA Darmstadt Germany, Magic Bioprocessing, Metenova, NorthX Biologics, Nyctea Technologies, Timegate Instruments, Valneva and XNK Therapeutics.
AdBIOPRO, Competence Centre for Advanced Bioproduction
AdBIOPRO is the Competence Centre for Advanced BioProduction.