Membership application

SwedenBIO welcomes all companies active in the Swedish life science sector to apply to become members. Membership will be determined by SwedenBIOs Director General in agreement with the bylaws of SwedenBIO. Companies without Swedish operations are able to apply in the service company category only. Membership for non-Swedish companies will be determined based on their relevance for the Swedish life science ecosystem.


Membership in the association SwedenBIO is 300 SEK per year (not subject to VAT). In addition, there is a service fee (subject to VAT) that varies depending on the membership category. Association and service fees are decided by the general meeting.

We have the following three membership categories:

Life science companies

Companies with operations in Sweden that conduct research and development, manufacturing, sales or offer services in the life science area. You operate in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, medical technology or as CRO/CMO etc. The service fee for life science companies is calculated per full-time employee and year, and amounts to SEK 1 650 per employee. The minimum amount is SEK 8 250 and the maximum fee is SEK 165 000.

Service companies

The company or individual has clients in the life science industry but is not itself part of the life science industry. You work in law, intellectual property, PR, media, technology, etc. The service fee for service companies is SEK 36 100, regardless of size.

Collaborative organization

Organization that works to support the life science industry. You are e.g. a bio/business organization, interest group or similar. The service fee for partner organizations is SEK 8 250 per year.

Want to know more before applying for membership?

Contact Linn Mattsson at or +46 (0) 730 23 47 22.