Prof. Johan Rockberg wins the “Sharing is Caring Award”
A fundamental pillar in a successful ecosystem surrounding life sciences is the ability to share. Share knowledge, share technologies and data, share human resources or even functionalities. It takes boldness and an open mindset to be in the first line of sharing.
“Johan Rockberg, professor in antibody technology and directed evolution at KTH, is an important piece of our life science’s ecosystem puzzle. The academics’ and industrial partners’ ecosystem enhances and improves the possibilities to bring cutting-edge life science products faster to the market, which is a win-win situation to both commercial and scientific interests leading to improved therapies and a healthier humankind.” says jury member Lars Bäckman, CLO at Biotage.
Mohammed Homman wins the “Top Talent Creator Award”
All progress and breakthroughs within life sciences steam from the competence and skills of the people making up this sector. Many companies struggle with access to human resources with the right experiences and expertise.
“Mohammed Homman, CEO and founder of Vironova, is awarded for his genuine “People first”-attitude, where he always put the human values first. For being inclusive to talents regardless of who they are or where they come from. Making international talents get set properly and smoothly to feel at home in their new home country and workplace.” motivates jury member Peter Coleman Integration Lead at Cobra Biologics.
Atlas Antibodies wins the “Life Science Industry Laureate Award”
While research being conducted within academia are awarded prestigious prizes crowned by the Nobel prize, there are too few manifestations of public recognition for the RnD carried out within the industry.
“Atlas Antibodies made validated key reagents from the Human Protein Atlas project (HPA) publicly available. Covering the entire human proteome, they constitute unique research tools, paving the way for scientists in academia and industry to discover and define molecular mechanisms of disease and to develop diagnostic methods and new therapies in many disease areas.” explains jury member Elisabeth Beskow CEO of DNB Bank in Sweden.
Dag Larsson wins the “Thought Leader Award”
In today’s environment with an overflow of information and opinions, we need people who can be beacons helping us to sort out facts from misinformation.
”Dag Larsson, Senior Policy Manager at Lif – the research based pharmaceutical industry in Sweden, is an expert ambassador with an interest in the broad life science area, from science to business and onwards to the influence of political decisions. With curiosity and an open mind, he looks for facts and trends and presents them in a way that stimulates others to think about new solutions and opportunities, reflect or become curious to learn more”, says jury member Janet Hoogstraate, Chair Management Board, Valneva Sweden.
Ambassadors for outstanding efforts
“We want to award the bold and the brave. With these awards we give recognition to efforts made by both individuals and companies contributing not only to solving our common medical challenges within life science. These four winners are great ambassadors for how to advance the incredible amount of work that is done daily within our field, and make a real difference”, concludes Helena Strigård, CEO of SwedenBIO.