AI has many facets: it may be algorithmic as in game playing programs or take a control theoretic approach as in autonomous vehicles. It may also manifest itself as linguistic ability, creativity, spatial reasoning, learning, and many others. We are now recognizing that AI has begun to make huge inroads to Life Sciences, be it making discoveries from huge biological data using machine learning, combining health records and genomic data of various types, discovering new drugs or drug targets, finding new groups of cell types, making diagnosis, or customizing health procedures as in precision medicine.
Science for Life Laboratory recognizes the importance of AI and this year Summit is to explore the impressive progress that has been attained with AI and to look into the future developments as to inform and inspire the Life Science community and other interested parties.
AI creates not only opportunities but also carries certain risks. AI researchers should be aware of ethical choices, and the funding agencies, including the governments, need to formulate principles and recommendations for AI research.