Horizon 2020 – Open house at Vinnova

Horizon 2020 is the largest European programme for research and innovation with a total budget on nearly 80 billion Euros to spend 2014-2020. Join colleagues and National Contact Points for an Open House, on May 10 and 11, hosted by Vinnova. The day will focus on novelties in the Horizon 2020 Work Programme for 2016-2017.

The Open House will provide an overview of Horizon 2020 opportunities, with focus on the Work Programme for 2016-2017. The day will start off with short presentations from National Contact Points and Support offices and after a light lunch there will be possibilities to network, interact and discuss with advisors. In addition to the calls in Horizon 2020, information on opportunities in European partnerships involving Swedish funding agencies such as Joint Programming Initiatives, ERA-net and Article 185 and 187 programmes, will be presented. The meeting targets support functions as well as those actively looking for research funding, in particular those that already are somewhat familiar with Horizon 2020.

A light lunch will be served . The day will end with a networking mingle and refreshments.

Please note that the Open House will be held on two occasions, 10th and 11th of May (identical content both days) and you can register for only one of the days.