In the past 10-15 years, Medicon Valley has grown to be the strongest Nordic life science cluster due to a thriving life science industry and strong collaboration between Sweden and Denmark.
There have been many success stories that have put Medicon Valley on the international map with four big pharmaceutical companies Novo Nordisk, H. Lundbeck, Ferring and LEO Pharma, and there is a new wave of biotech companies that emerged around the turn of the millennium plus the science park Medicon Village celebrating their 5th year.
There are certainly a number of successful companies within the Nordics, with successful bio banks, cell therapy initiatives and clinical research which has not been growing so the trend has just recently turned positive again after the number trials dropped in 2007.
2016 has been a turbulent year both economically, politically and within the world of pharmaceuticals with reimbursements payments reducing but how does the future of the life science sector look in Sweden and Denmark?
The Swedish Government national coordinator for the life science, Anders Lönnberg will be attending and very much looking forward to seeing what updates he is going to be giving from the Swedish Government. Denmark now has a growth team but we hope by the time of attending this event they will be able give more information on their strategy.
Both countries have funding available in terms of grants, angel investors and venture capital but this is certainly not being tapped into. Do we need to have more entrepreneurial agility and willingness to fail like our American friends and maybe this could be the answer to our future?
Some 35 exhibitors and 400 visitors are expected at this annual international networking forum organized by Kemivärlden Biotech/Journal of Chemistry & Biotechnology, Medicon Village and Medicon Valley Allliance. The target audience are decision makers in the pharma, biotech, medtech and healthcare sectors, R&D-persons from the industry and academia. Other targeted groups are investors, authorities and politicians. New for this fifth edition of the event is that partnering meetings will be facilitated by our one-to-one meeting partnering software available for all delegates at The Future of Swedish & Danish Life Science.
The event is free of charge and during the event lunch and refreshments will be provided. The day will be covered by the press.