Kategori: Affär & Finans

NLSDays 2022: Registration is open!

Welcome back to a physical NLSDays – the largest Nordic partnering conference dedicated to the life science industry. Next year's event will take place in Malmö over two days, filled-to-the-brim with exciting content and phenomenal partnering possibilities. Register before November 1 to receive the early bird-discount!

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Voices from NLSDays 2021

Genetic Analysis had over twenty partnering meetings with pharma and investors, and several that are quickly proceeding forward. The company is based in Oslo and was one of the selected NLS Invest Rising Stars. We asked CCO Anita Patel Jusnes to share her experiences of #NLSDays and tell us more about the company.

Affär & FinansOkategoriserad

Tips på väg mot marknad

För många svenska life science-bolag är steget ut på europeiska och internationella marknader det riktigt tuffa, efter år av forskning och utveckling. Vad gäller kring marknadsföring och tillsyn? Hur ska distributionen lösas? Och hur ska man tänka när det gäller prissättning? I takt med att fler och fler av svenska life science-bolag lyckas ta sig hela vägen, något vi bland annat sett i SwedenBIOs senaste mappning av svensk läkemedelspipeline, ökar branschens behov av att navigera nya delar av affärsutveckling.

Affär & Finans

Bridging the Gap (April 7–8)

The Life Science Bridge is a joint initiative between the regional SACC-USA (Swedish-American Chambers of Commerce) in San Diego, Boston and San Francisco. Together they create events, networking opportunities and support Life Science companies looking to take their business to the U.S market.

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#NLSDays’ partnering portal is now open – start sending your personal meeting requests!

Nordic Life Science Days 20-23 April offers excellent opportunities for digital face-to-face meetings, and for presenting your company to investors and potential partners. The partnering platform is now open for sending and accepting/rejecting meeting requests. On April 5 the meeting scheduling begins. The meetings will be scheduled in 30-minute intervals from April 20 to 23, at any preferred time zone.

Affär & FinansOkategoriserad
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